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时间:2017-04-08 13:12   来源: 互联网    作者:白鸽  阅读量:19317   


Kids Moment

Crêpe 这个词来自于古法语 crespe,再往前溯源就是拉丁文 crispa 或 crispus,意为“卷曲”——所以摊开的一大张煎饼暂时不能蒙混进队伍,好歹稍微把边卷一下。Crêpe 这个词还有多种衍生意思,比如说一个填馅的配菜或甜品。

Crêpe, from the ancient French word, “crespe”, originates from Latin “crispa” or “crispus”, meaning curled – so listen, fundamentalist, a flat pancake doesn’t count. Crêpe also generates other meanings including stuffed food as sides or desserts.


它源于布列塔尼地区,也就是法国的西北部。得益于 12 世纪初荞麦被引进当地,它最早就是荞饼,直接用水和面,当地人都把它当主食吃;只有在 1900 年左右小麦面粉普及了,以及之后大家都用牛奶和面了,才变成我们现在熟悉的白嫩的颜色。现在对于比较追求布列塔尼正统的地方,咸的可丽饼还会用荞麦面粉制作(反而相当健康),甜的则用小麦面粉。

Brittany is crêpe’s hometown. Thanks to the introduction of buckwheat in around AD1100, its prototype is a daily starch made from buckwheat flour and water. It was the popularization of wheat flour in 1900s and then with the replacement of water with milk that we finally get familiar with this ivory color food. Now for those following Brittany tradition, savory crêpes are made with buckwheat while the sweet ones are made with wheat.



Festival Moment


February 2nd is Jour des Crêpes and the Christian feast of Candelora for France. Following tradition, people will hold a coin in their writing hand and hold a crêpe pan in another. They make wishes when turning over the crêpe and the family gets prosperity when they succeed in this endeavour. If you don't succeed... well, there is no if.



Luxury Moment

在 19-20 世纪之交,两大名厨为可丽饼创造了当时史上最炫酷的食谱。 1895 年,在摩纳哥 Café de Paris 工作的名厨 Henri Charpentier 为当时的威尔士王子做了一道高级甜品,可丽饼加上橙、白兰地然后点火,这道菜被命名为 Crêpe Suzette,取自当天晚上一位嘉宾的名字。在 1903 年,法餐奠基人 Auguste Escoffier 让这道菜在之后的 20 年一直保持着奢侈品的身份,同时进一步精细化了配料和做法:融化的焦糖黄油酱汁,橙橘汁、利口酒搭配新鲜擦下的橙皮增添香味。烈酒还可以直接在面糊中加入苹果白兰地或朗姆,它们会打碎面糊里的结块和大颗粒。

Crêpe enjoyed its premier moment from 1890s to 1920s, with the help of two great chefs. In 1895, Henri Charpentier put orange and brandy on crêpe and set up this sweet firework for Prince of Wales. This dish was named Crêpe Suzette after a guest’s name on that night. In 1903, Auguste Escoffier, the father of French cuisine, improved the recipe by using melted caramel and butter sauce, and mixing juice liquor and zest together to raise the citrusy flavor. Hard liquor is also used in crêpe mixtures for breaking down lumps.



Dark Moment

2012 年戛纳电影节,上映了一部法国的动画电影《自杀专卖店》,故事发生在一家传了 10 代的自杀专卖店里,当时自杀已经成为了社会主流,但政府规定人们不可以在公共场合去死,于是这一家四口人经营着“帮人去死”的生意,出售各种诡异的器具,让大家回家去操作——其中就有包含氰化物的可丽饼。但是小儿子阿伦的出生改变了一切,他帮助家人从死亡的泥潭中走出,最后这家自杀专卖店成为了一家正正经经的帮人重拾生活信心的可丽饼店……

A French animation movie “Le Magasin des Suicides” was released at 2012’s Festival de Cannes. This Tim Burton style film tells a story of a suicide shop with a history of 10 generations, where a family runs a business of helping people to die in a world where suicide is a casual, daily thing. They sell various tools and designs, including crêpe with cyanide. But the birth of the youngest, Allan, changes everything, he brings positivity to the family and turns this death shop into an actual crêperie…



Tech Moment

因为 3 岁女儿看中了杂志上报道的乐高积木可丽饼压印机,Miguel Valenzuela用了六个月时间生生做了一款可丽饼机器人。它的基本原理就是用 SD 卡将图案传输进机器,然后机器自动在烹饪板上“画”出图案。用户可以用软件自己设计图案,或者在线上社群下载其他人分享的图案。

After the urging of his 3-year-old daughter, Miguel Valenzuela created a crêpe-making robot called PancakeBot, in 6 months. Basically you just pour in the mixture and upload patterns with SD card and the machine will do the rest. You can design patterns on your own or download the ones shared in an online community.


2014 年,经过改良的可丽饼机器人继续在若干公众 DIY 展示活动上收到良好的公众反馈,同年 Miguel Valenzuela 和产品孵化公司 StoreBound 合作推出了真正的商用版,把它带向了市场。

After several rounds of refinement, PancakeBot went through several Maker Faires and kept receiving positive feedback. In 2014, with the help of StoreBound, they finally brought it into market – and yes, the company is still alive.



Improvisation Moment

想也不用想,可丽饼在欧洲各国都有当地的变体产物,西班牙的 filloa,荷兰的 pannenkoek,罗马尼亚的Clatite,奥地利的kaiserschmarrn,匈牙利的 palacsinta,意大利的 teramo,俄罗斯的 blini,北欧的 plattars,比利时的vote……

Without doubt, the crêpe has been adopted in Europe and the States, and has generated great varieties: filloa in Galicia, pannenkoek in the Netherlands,Clatite in Romania, kaiserschmarrn in Austria, palascinta in Hungary, Teramo in Abruzzo, blini in Russia and Ukraine, plattars in Scandinavia, vote in Belgium…


These are just basic, they mainly vary in size and sides. The Crêpe needs more.


1976 年在东京元素诞生的 Marion 基本上奠定了日式可丽饼的“行为规范”,奶油酱汁等的排列组合,卷成甜筒手拿的街头小吃形态,还有一排排模型展示的方式,完美融入并帮助塑造了可爱系的文化现象,让它成为当时在原宿活动的时髦少女们的必备单品。

Born in Tokyo’s Harajuku in 1976, Marion is the pioneer and rule maker of Japanese crêpe. The combination of Chantilly cream, ice cream and sweet sauce, the rolled shape like an ice cream cone and the food model display defines Japanese crepe. More importantly, it helps in shaping Kawaii culture of Harajuku, which is the hit place for fashionable kids.


同样是颠覆性创始级别的,还有源自纽约的知名甜品店 Lady M,2002 年创业、2004 年开店的它们,首先用以玻璃和纯白为主的极简甜品空间来搅动行业,同时也凭借千层可丽饼(实际上是 20 层)蛋糕开始了自己的全球连锁征途。

Another disrupter is Lady M, the famous chain dessert shop originating in New York. Their debut store, with absolute white and sleek glass cases, gives a new minimalist aesthetic to the dessert world. And their signature Mille Crêpes (actually 20 layers of crêpe and cream) is what brings it to the world stage.


而 TRIBE Organic 在今年春季新推出了大米制作的可丽饼,和最早布列塔尼的荞麦饼一样,它同样也是无麸质食品。Tribe Organic 将大米和糯米混合,带来一丝弹性的口感;用最近正红的姜黄着色,给春季增添鲜明的黄。口味有咸甜两种选择:新鲜水果搭配酸奶和枸杞糖浆;或是太阳蛋、奶酪和湖南腊肉的组合。基本上我认为菜式设计的核心思想是——中西结合疗效好!

Following the gluten-free tradition of Britanny, Tribe Organic debuts its rice crêpe this spring. The mixture of normal and sticky rice adds chewiness to the texture and turmeric brings a bright yellow color to it. The sweet version is accompanied with fresh fruit, yogurt and goji berry syrup while in the savory one, Hunan Ham and cheese is sheltered by the sunny-side-up egg. I guess the East doesn’t expect to meet West in a crêpe!


My Very Own French Rice Crepe with Hunan Ham


Rice Flour, Glutinous Rice, Eggs, Milk, Turmeric, Hunan Ham, Mushrooms, Blanched Pea Pods, Pea Shoots, Fried Egg



This is what happens when Hunan meets Paris; it’s one gloriously healthy combination and the best way to start the morning! Our Hunan Ham is a totally lean and less salty version which won’t have you grasping for the nearest jug of water. We recommend you choose some of our fine coffee to complement your crepe instead!


Nice is Rice Crepe with Seasonal Fruits


Rice Flour, Glutinous Rice, Eggs, Milk, Turmeric, Seasonal Fruits, Greek Yogurt with Goji Ginger Syrup



We took the classic crepe and put our own TRIBE spin on it! We made it out of Rice Flour and we added some of our favourite ingredients like Turmeric as well as our famous Goji Ginger Syrup. It’s so good, we’ll understand if you say that it tastes better than Crepe!



地址: 朝阳区将台路6号,丽都广场B-103

营业时间: 周日~周四: 上午8点-凌晨12点, 周五~周六: 上午8点 - 凌晨2点


Address: B-106, Lido Place, No. 6 Jiang Tai Xi Road

Tel: 64319289

Opening Hours: Sun – Thurs: 8am – 12am, Fri – Sun: 8am – 2am




营业时间:周一~周日:上午8点 - 晚上10点

TRIBE Sanlitun

Address: 1/F, Building 3, China View Plaza, 2 Workers’ Stadium East Road

Tel: 85871899

Opening Hours: Everyday 8am – 10pm


TRIBE 蓝色港湾


营业时间:周一~周日 上午 10.30 – 晚上10点

TIRBE Solana

Address: Building 9, Unit L-BS-51a (next to Nike)

Tel:5905 6256

Opening Hours: Everyday 10.30am – 10pm daily


TRIBE 上海店:


营业时间:工作日早上8点 - 晚上11点,周末早上9点 - 晚上11点

TRIBE Shanghai Key Info:

Opening Hours:8am-11pm on weekdays and 9am-11pm on weekends

Address: A Mansion Building, 103B No. 291 Fumin Road,Shanghai China

Tel: 021-60932982
